Quick Talks

ITS’s Fall 2020 Quick Talks series spotlighted conversations between Flexible Course Design Summer Institute Facilitators, Module Designers & Peer Mentors together with FCDSI “Finishers” who put those tools and strategies into practice in exemplary fashion. These conversations explored how participants across the campus community applied Institute content and strategies to their pedagogical approaches in Fall 2020. Each Zoom session featured a 20-minute interview of an FCDSI Finisher, followed by 10-minutes of Q & A. Topics included Zoom discussion strategies, interactive videos, polished video production, GoogleSuite, equity-minded teaching, testing (from Prof and Student perspective), and many more! Each conversation resulted in several “Quick Tips” (see below)… and to catch up on the full discussion, check out the archived recordings.


Recording Archive:

Topic Tips
Community of Inquiry – Teaching Presence
Beth Pollard, Mark Laumakis
Flex CDI Quicktalk 1
Video Production
Stuart Voytilla, John Love
Flex CDI quicktalk #2
Community of Inquiry – Social Presence


Katie Hughes, Siobhan White


Testing Strategies


Mark Laumakis, Ksenija Marinkovic, Daniel Izarraras, & Alyssa Saechao


Flex CDI quicktalk 4
Google G-Suite


Rebecca Frazee & Sarah Maheronnaghsh


quicktip 5: Google G-Suite
Interactive Video


Stuart Voytilla, Alicia Stevers & Matthew Camacho


quicktalk 6: interactive video
Adobe Suite


Nate Rodriguez & Peggy Peattie


Quicktalk 7: Adobe Suite
Universal Design for Learning


Jon Rizzo, Dan Bacon, Cali Linfor & Daria Dragicevic


cdi flex 8
The Student Perspective…


James Frazee, Chris Potente, Romi Cruz & Soleil Sandoval-Colmenero


quicktalk 9
Lessons Learned for the Post Pandemic World


James Frazee, Beth Pollard, Sean Hauze, Katie Hughes, and Lindsay Vance


flex cdi quicktalk 10