In the spirit they were designed, one of Instructional Technology Services’ Learning Research Studios (AH-1112) overflowed with rapt faculty and administrators from across campus late Friday afternoon (2/22). The group gathered for a workshop on effective pedagogical approaches that maximize students’ learning experiences in active learning classrooms.

David Langley visits SDSU
Special guest Dr. David Langley, Education Program Specialist from the Center for Educational Innovation at the University of Minnesota, shared stories and visualizations showing various learning spaces and teaching approaches across the country (including SDSU’s own EBA-410!). Langley also led participants through some hands-on activities to provide insights on pedagogical approaches that work. The workshop provided an invigorating examination of current practices for our seasoned LRS instructors and an eye-opener for faculty who have not yet taught in designated active learning spaces.

Langley spoke on pedagogy and connectedness in active learning classrooms.
Langley’s presentation slides and handouts used during the workshop have been shared via Google Drive.