Supporting Our Students’ Success Before It’s Too Late


Check out our Learning Analytics videos to discover new ways to catch struggling students earlier in the semester. As you will see, in moments you can run a course report to see how often students are accessing course content, and to spot those students whose performance indicates they may not be successful in the course.

Blackboard Course Reports

Blackboard continuously tracks individual student activity within a course in great detail. It automatically tracks students’ access (discussion boards, course materials, grade center, etc.) and can also compare students’ performance and access to the rest of the class. It is easy to create reports that show aggregate and individual course use.

Several reports are available within the Course Reports area, all with similar names. For a first foray into Learning Analytics, we recommend the Overall Summary of User Activity report.

Blackboard Retention Center

The Blackboard Retention Center takes tracking your students’ Learning Analytics to the next level by providing real-time alerts based upon course engagement and performance metrics. This How-To Video overview will show you how to:

  • Navigate to the Retention Center

  • Create Alerts Customized to Your Course(s)

  • View At-Risk Students at a Glance and Individually

  • Monitor and Message At-Risk Students

Follow up information, instructional videos, and ITS consultations are all available to learn more about the Blackboard Retention Center and ITS Learning Analytics. For more information or to schedule a 1:1 consult, please reach out the Blackboard Help Desk <> or call 619.594.3485

For an archive of our live Zoom webinar, please click here: /play/Bx6xXi1kKBVOrDRpthZ-u0gq 3k0VoeMxLsyEjUqYNoe0aZM8Tjh3pa 7CcQMn_7oR

Instructional Technology Services
Adams Humanities, 1st Floor
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Dr.
San Diego, CA 92182-8114