Rishika Gujjula

Rishika Gujjula

Instructional Technology Student Assistant

[email protected]

Major: Big Data Analytics

Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2024

Fun or interesting fact about yourself: I like to dance, although I'm not good at dancing :p. I want to professionally learn dancing.

How did you hear about ITS? A Friend of mine told me about ITS.

Tell us about a notable instance when you gave or received help: I'm in general very helpful person. I help my friends with understanding concepts before exams.

Is there something specific you’d like to learn more about working at ITS? I would like to improve my communication skills, getting more closer to people I'm working with.



Instructional Technology Services
Adams Humanities, 1st Floor
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Dr.
San Diego, CA 92182-8114